Choosing Between Online Live Guitar Lessons and Face-to-Face

Online vs. Face-to-Face Guitar Lessons: Exploring Dynamics

Every day, as I walk and reflect on how our lives have changed for everyone. Technologies entered our lives with the power of a great hurricane and continue to save our time and make life comfortable.

We could see many guitar courses and advertisements for guitar lessons conducted face to face in cozy music schools and studios. Alternatively, we can schedule live online guitar lessons and make in real-time appointments from any corner of the world. The topic is very interesting, and I have thought about how to write some words that may be helpful for you, my dear reader, or fellow guitar enthusiasts.

After many years of dedicated research on the subject, I am excited to share with you my opinion on the best method for achieving optimal results.

My Story of Learning the Guitar

When I was a kid, I fell in love with the guitar sounds, and I wanted to learn how to play the guitar more professionally. I've always believed, and still do, that the guitar is a truly magical instrument. I decided to enroll in a music school. Although the city where I grew up has many excellent government music schools, I wasn't just looking for any school, I was searching for a guitar teacher who truly loves his job.

Man raising hands toward the sun

I finally found him at a music school located an hour away from my home. Despite the distance, I was determined to learn from him, knowing that his passion for the guitar would make the journey worthwhile.

Traveling during rush hour and transferring between two public transports, I never felt discomfort. It was as if I were flying to my classes on a bright holiday, filled with happiness. Occasionally, frustration would arise when stuck in traffic, causing me to arrive only at the end of my guitar lesson. However, even in those moments, my teacher would still check my homework and offer valuable tips. During such times, I couldn't help but dream of teleportation.

A Time of Joy: Our Reality

Currently, in the world of guitar lessons, the possibilities for online education seem endless. From traditional one-on-one sessions to pre-recorded video guitar courses and the ever-growing popularity of live real-time online guitar lessons, beginning guitarists have a variety of options to explore.

“None but ourselves can free our minds.”

- Bob Marley

Each method has unique advantages and disadvantages that satisfy different learning styles, schedules, and preferences. Let's delve into the nuances of each approach to help you make an informed decision.

Face to Face Guitar Lessons

In today's world, such a perspective may seem somewhat strange. Spending two hours on the road in traffic just for 30 or 60 minutes of lessons is considered a great luxury. It's fair to point out that learning face to face is the best way, even without considering the travel time. Studying with a teacher in person is the ideal method for learning anything, whether it's guitar, violin, vocals, or any other musical instrument.

Asian woman teaching guitar to a boy

You're a lucky person if you have a great teacher or guitar studio near your house. You can grab your guitar case and immerse yourself in the magic of guitar sounds.

As an experienced guitar teacher, I can confidently agree that face to face guitar lessons are highly effective for children aged 7 and above. Young guitarists require a high level of attention and interaction, which is best provided in a face to face setting. Let's dive into the pros and cons of the method.


  • Personalized Feedback:

    Face to face guitar lessons provide immediate feedback from a live instructor. This personalized attention allows for quicker correction of mistakes and tailored guidance based on your progress.

  • More Opportunities for Creativity:

    In face to face lessons, there are ample opportunities for creativity, such as improvisation sessions and collaborative jams. These activities foster innovation and allow students to explore their musical interests in a supportive environment.

  • Hands-On Instruction:

    Physical presence allows for hands-on guidance, particularly useful for beginners to grasp proper technique and posture effectively.


  • Time and Location Constraints:

    Scheduling regular in-person lessons can be challenging, especially for those with busy schedules or limited access to instructors in their area. Commuting to lessons also adds to the time commitment.

  • Higher Cost:

    Typically, face to face lessons are more expensive due to the personalized attention and overhead costs associated with renting studio space.

Pre-recorded Video Courses

Pre-recorded guitar video courses offer a great opportunity to enhance our knowledge and skills. I've personally taken a few courses that were both enjoyable and helpful.

However, it's important to note that these courses may be best suited for guitarists who already have some experience with the basic principles of playing. In my opinion, beginners may need more personalized guidance to grasp the fundamentals effectively.

As a guitar teacher who enjoys exploring new educational approaches, I once enrolled in a beginner's guitar course. The course content, including text and video materials, was excellent, and the instructors provided clear instructions. However, my perspective shifted when other students began sharing their achievements. I realized that for beginners, personalized instruction is crucial. Many students overlooked essential aspects such as proper guitar placement, picking techniques, fingering, finger positioning, and more.

Woman learning to play guitar in pre-recorded video course

For guitarists who have already learned the fundamentals from an experienced teacher, guitar courses represent an incredible wealth of knowledge. In such cases, I recommend researching specialized courses on the topic and gathering insights from various guitar instructors. Now I thought about how lucky we are to live in such a beautiful time. Let's highlight the pros and cons of the pre-recorded guitar courses.


  • Flexibility:

    Video courses offer the ultimate flexibility, allowing you to learn at your own pace and on your own schedule. You have the freedom to revisit lessons or skip ahead as needed.

  • Affordability:

    Video courses are often more cost-effective than face to face lessons, providing access to high-quality instruction at a fraction of the cost.

  • Variety of Content:

    There's an abundance of video courses available covering a wide range of styles, techniques, and skill levels. You can explore different instructors and teaching approaches to find what resonates best with you.


  • Lack of Personalized Feedback:

    While some video courses may offer opportunities for student-teacher interaction through forums or Q&A sessions, the feedback is generally not as immediate or tailored as in face to face lessons.

  • Self-Discipline Required:

    Without the accountability of a live instructor, staying motivated and disciplined to consistently practice can be challenging for some learners.

Online Live Guitar Lessons

So, it is time to become acquainted with what, in my opinion, is the most popular form of learning: one-on-one online live guitar lessons. I like this format because the students learn guitar in the same structured way as if we were teaching in person face to face, while also saving time on travel and practicing in a comfortable environment.

Man learning to play guitar online

The first time I began teaching online was when my student moved to live in another country. The student needed to maintain their successful guitar learning without any disruptions. I agreed and developed a well-structured approach to learning the guitar. After a while, my student learned a bunch of music composition, making both him and me happy. The biggest reward for me is seeing the results of my students' efforts.

Funny Situation

One day, while waiting for a student to arrive at school, I received a phone call. It was from a student who was supposed to be in class. He asked me, "Have you ever taught your students in a car?" Initially, I thought it was a joke, but I replied, "No, I haven't." Then he suggested, "Turn on your laptop; today I'll take a guitar lesson online."

When we connected, I was met with a surprising scene. In the car, two security guards were present; one held the iPad in front of the student while the other drove. He was learning how to play the guitar comfortably from the back seat of the car. To my surprise, the lesson went so well that at some point, I even forgot that it was all happening in the car. From that moment, we often used his free time to learn the guitar. For me, the most important thing is that the person enjoyed the process.

I can describe numerous situations where technology has helped people achieve their goals of learning to play the guitar. Let's look at the pros and cons of such lessons.


  • Real-Time Interaction:

    Online live lessons bridge the gap between face to face instruction and the flexibility of video courses. You get the benefits of real-time interaction with a live instructor from the comfort of your own space.

  • Convenience:

    With no commuting required, online live lessons offer convenience and flexibility, accommodating even the busiest schedules. You can take lessons from anywhere with an internet connection.

  • Personalized Attention:

    Like face to face lessons, online live lessons provide personalized feedback and instruction tailored to your needs, fostering faster progress and skill development.


  • Technical Issues:

    Dependence on internet connectivity and technology means that technical glitches or connectivity issues can disrupt the flow of lessons.

  • Potential Distractions:

    Learning from home or another environment may present distractions that could affect your focus and concentration during lessons.

Well, it's time to summarize. We have examined different aspects of learning, such as attending a lesson in person face to face, online live guitar lessons, or pre-recorded guitar courses. I attempted to demonstrate the pros and cons of each type of training and shared examples from my own experience. Of course, the choice is yours, but let's not forget what a wonderful time we live in, where we can take guitar lessons from anywhere in the world without leaving our homes, office, or even as we saw, the car.

Happy person jumping

If you're ready to embark on your guitar journey, I'm here to guide and support you every step of the way. Whether you're a complete beginner or looking to refine your skills, my task is simple: to advise and help every person who wants to learn such a beautiful instrument as the guitar. Let's make music together – get in touch today to start your learning adventure!

Wishing you harmony and happiness,