Guitar Journey

A man standing in a wheat field, holding a classical guitar

Guitar Journey

As a teenager, I started playing the guitar, and it's been a big part of my life, shaping my love for music and my journey. Gradually deepening my knowledge about the guitar, I began to understand that playing it is not just striking the strings; it's something more significant and more majestic.

Over time, I uncovered the guitar and saw clearly that the guitar and music are a reflection of a person's inner world. And then I came to realize:

  • A person who simply plays their favorite musical piece for themselves and chooses the composition will already be a reflection of their inner world and mood.

  • A composer, when creating their music compositions, engages in the exploration of self-expression, creativity, and a deep connection with the instrument. In the process of creating, there is a transfer of one's inner world and imagination.

My musical journey became an enthralling voyage, filled with highs and lows, challenges, and boundless discoveries that instilled an infinite passion for moving forward.

Journey #1

The Beginning

I remember my first steps. When I got back home after spending the summer at my grandma's, my cousin got me interested in playing the guitar, and soon after, I was on the lookout for music friends!

A friend of mine, who already knew how to play the guitar, came over to my place. He showed me the first chords, and to remember them, I took a notebook and drew diagrams. At home, I practiced those chords the whole day. After a while, I couldn't even feel my fingers; they were burning and aching. It was the first challenge, but my interest in the guitar only grew stronger. The guitar had metal strings, and the strings were positioned high above the fretboard, but I didn't give up. After some time, I didn't even notice how I was already playing the first song. It was an unforgettable impression.

Journey #2

Exploring Musical Styles

I realized I wanted more; I wanted to study the instrument and needed to move forward. I found a teacher and enrolled in a state school of the arts. The education at the music school was intense, and the teacher was quite demanding and strict. I practiced every day. When I came to guitar lessons, I wasn't often praised. The teacher gave me direct feedback without much encouragement, but it was fair.

If it was good, it was good; if it was bad, it was bad—simple as that!

The only thing he repeated was that I needed to practice more, read more sheet music, play more chords, and do more exercises. I diligently practiced, but I always felt that I needed more guitar-playing practice. After completing the path of the music school, I understood that it wasn't all in vain; this experience broadened my horizons, enriched my knowledge, and significantly improved my playing.

Journey #3

Performance: From Nervousness to Ecstasy

The first performance in front of an audience of 200-300 people was simply a failure. My friend and I had prepared a duet, but we had never performed on stage before. Due to nervousness, we started playing the piece at different times. The nerves wouldn't let go, and we couldn't stop. The whole hall filled with laughter, We played through, and backstage, we realized our mistake. After this failure, I told myself no more jitters;

I performed in various locations for all kinds of audiences.

During my university studies, I fully blossomed: I played in a rock band at numerous festivals. I also worked as a session musician and took part in intriguing auditions. I understood that the first concert only toughened me. The old initial anxieties turned into ecstasy: with every chord, I felt the magic of connection with the audience. Each performance added confidence in my playing and the desire to share music.

Journey #4

Collaboration and Musical Conversations

The university provided me with the opportunity to get acquainted with various performers on musical instruments, from the bayan to the double bass. Collaborating with other musicians unveiled the joy of musical life before me. The university experience broadened my understanding of music. I started singing in the academic choir and delved into the magic of choral singing. I found this subject extremely appealing, and from top-tier instructors, I gained immense experience.

My studies were challenging; my choir conductor was a demanding individual, but it yielded results, such as victories at music festivals and top awards for choral performances at international events.

Journey #5

Challenges: Steps Toward Growth

People should set challenges for themselves and realistically assess where they stand. Challenges are the development path, and failures are an integral part of this journey. One episode from my learning experience is particularly memorable:

"One fine day, the choir sounded terrible. The conductor was angry and shouting incessantly. It seemed like his voice could be heard even on Mars. I made eye contact with the conductor, and he asked me to step into the middle of the auditorium, face my choir colleagues, and sing my musical part solo. I wasn't ready for this, but he politely asked me to sing. I couldn't sing a thing, but I tried. Within two seconds, the entire choir burst into laughter. I turned red from embarrassment, but I understood that I deserved it. After me, every choir member went through a similar test. In ten minutes, no one was laughing anymore.

That was a fantastic lesson for everyone.
The next day, I didn't attend choir practice as I had another concert. My conductor thought I was deeply offended and, in front of all the choir members, apologized for his behavior. The following day, he met me and asked for forgiveness. I responded that I wasn't offended because I hadn't prepared for the rehearsal. After that, we exchanged smiles and shook hands."

This story illustrates that success doesn't come out of nowhere. If we want to achieve something, we have to put in the effort. All of us choir singers learned another valuable lesson—to support each other, and as a result, we all became like one big family.

Journey #6

Continuous Learning

The path of any teacher involves a continuous learning process. Each student brings new experiences, and each piece learned by a student reveals new teaching approaches and nuances. I started getting interested in new teaching methods and incorporated the best of what my teachers gave me. I added dedication, patience, and a love for my guitar lessons to that mix. To me, each student is an individual, even if they are just starting their guitar journey. Recalling and expressing gratitude to all the people I've encountered on my musical journey. I realize I have something to share with those who want to learn to play the guitar. Playing the guitar is a beautiful journey of self-discovery and self-expression. It's a testament to the power of dedication, passion, and unwavering love for music.

I'm grateful to fate for my teachers and every lesson they gave me. For every stage where I performed and every listener who heard my music. I also express gratitude to the parents who enrolled their children in my classes when we had a school in Ukraine. It was a tremendous responsibility for me, but together we created the teacher I am today. I'm incredibly thankful to my parents and my loved ones for their support and the investment they made in me. Even now, when we are far apart, we remain close on a spiritual level.


In conclusion, you might wonder why I shared not only my experiences but also the setbacks on my journey. Well, here's the answer – there were times when I faced difficulties, like feeling quite uncomfortable during my first concert in childhood or the university choir when I wasn't ready for the new lesson life had for me. The key thing is, that I didn't give up; I went through ups and downs in my journey and kept moving forward.

Don't give up on your dream. If you encounter failure, take a moment to rest and then press on, slowly but surely. The key is to keep moving forward.

Playing the guitar is a journey worth taking for anyone who dreams of learning to play. To commence your guitar adventure, embrace the challenges, relish the victories, and immerse yourself in the process of learning and making music. The guitar journey is a symphony of growth, connection, and joy. Let your fingers dance on the strings, and let your heart hum with melodies because every step of the way is worth it.