My Background

My Background

My Background

Hello and Welcome!

I am Serge, and I am delighted to share my musical journey with you.

Milestone #1

Early Inspiration

Music has been an integral part of my life from a young age, and my love for the guitar has guided me on an incredible path of learning, performing, and teaching. My journey with the guitar began at the age of 10 when I first saw and heard my cousin playing and singing popular songs. The moment I heard the resonating sound of the guitar strings, it was like an explosion in my mind. I was immediately captivated by the guitar's ability to express emotions and tell stories. Inspired by my cousin, I embarked on a journey of self-discovery through music.

Milestone #2

Music School

During my college years, I often brought my guitar with me, sharing songs and good times with friends. Exploring various genres like rock and blues, I experienced the magic of music's creative atmosphere. A pivotal moment occurred when a senior student, a fellow guitarist, invited me to play songs in the park. His blues performance left me speechless, and his advice encouraged me to seek formal education. Guided by his advice, I enrolled in the government music school, specializing in classical guitar. I was lucky because I found a teacher who loved music and teaching guitar.

This period enriched my life with an extensive repertoire of classical works, providing a strong educational foundation. A large part of my training was learning to read music, developing techniques, understanding the approach to guitar practice, and analyzing musical composition.

Milestone #3

University Years

My journey into the world of music unfolded during my time at music school, propelling me forward to pursue a Bachelor of Arts at the National Pedagogical Drahomanov University in Ukraine. Here, I dedicated my studies to becoming a Teacher of Music in Classical Guitar.

Throughout an immersive and inspiring four-year chapter, I proudly earned a Bachelor's degree in Music of Art, specializing in Music Education with a dedicated focus on Classical Guitar. These university years shaped not only my academic achievements but also fueled my passion for sharing the artistry of classical guitar with others.

Milestone #4

Academic and Church Choir

From my first day at university, I studied subjects like choir, vocal, and conducting. These were mandatory, and we had exams at the end of each semester. Singing in the choir for four years gave me valuable experience, reshaping how I think about music and approach musical works. The choir opened my eyes to a new musical world. To broaden my experience, I joined the church choir during my university studies. The enchanting acoustics of the space added to the joy of that wonderful study period. During this time, I explored the works of composers such as Mozart, Brahms, Wagner, Rachmaninoff, Mussorgsky, Lyatoshinsky, Bortniansky, and others. I even had the chance to conduct the choir during the final exam. That was a fantastic period.

Milestone #5

Rock Life and Session Guitarist

University life was hectic, and I immersed myself in everything a musician could love. I connected with friends who shared a passion for rock music, and together, we formed our rock band. We wanted to blend rock music with folk melodies and themes, creating something unique. We took our music to different festivals and were stoked to snag the Grand Prix for the best rock band. It was a blast!

Through the band's performances, I expanded my social circle and became a sought-after session guitarist. I played across genres like folk, blues, rock, and hip-hop—always open to collaboration wherever a guitar was involved.

After completing our university studies, we disbanded our rock project. Each member pursued their own path, carrying fond memories and concert experiences in their heart.

Milestone #6

Music Camp International

When I was in my fourth year of study, my friend from another band mentioned that Music Camp International needed a volunteer guitar teacher for a two-week program catering to kids of various ages. Eager for this intriguing international experience, I quickly agreed. I rapidly learned the curriculum and, within two days, was prepared to teach.

Each day, I had eighty students divided into four groups of twenty. The experience was amazing, and the best students had the opportunity to perform on the main stage with an orchestra and choir at the National Philharmonic.

Milestone #7

Launching My Teaching Career

On the second day after my graduation, my phone rang. I answered and received an invitation for a guitar teaching position in a private school.

When I lived in my homeland, we had a strong and open-hearted community where people consistently shared information, creating a special atmosphere in the music scene of the city.

For the first five seconds, I thought about it, and then I said yes. With no more classes in university, I sought a new environment. Those years remain very valuable to me, as I understood what I wanted to do.

Milestone #8

Member of the Guitarists Association

One day, I embraced the opportunity to join the dynamic realm of the Guitarists' Association. This organization has played a crucial role in bringing together guitarists and teachers from across the country and remains instrumental in fostering this unity. They used to organize concerts, seminars for professional development, and a whole lot more, and they still continue these activities.

Milestone #9

The Way From Teacher to Founder

I dedicated myself to hard work, cultivating my vision for guiding students. In that particular year, a crisis struck, resulting in the closure of the private school where I taught. Undeterred by the setback, I was resolute in my commitment. I chose to persevere, continuing my work in that very building. After thorough preparation, our guitar school came into being. It quickly became a bustling local hub, where we assembled a fantastic team of skilled teachers and friendly staff.

Milestone #10

Adapting to Changes with Dignity

In 2014, the Revolution of Dignity unfolded in the homeland, marking the beginning of the Russian-Ukrainian war. Despite the turmoil, people across the country worked tirelessly for the progress of their state. While the conflict raged in the east, positive developments were underway in other regions. The nation gained new momentum, witnessing increased productivity and the emergence of new businesses.

Back then, our school underwent certain changes in its role. Due to the unpredictable situation in the country, we took a break from organizing concerts and student demonstrations. We had some new faces among our teaching staff, and we had some super-talented guitar instructors on board. It was a time of change, but we worked with even more enthusiasm. Our school doors were always wide open for our regular visitors!

Milestone #11

Honored for Contributions to Ukrainian Guitar Art

In 2016, I was honored with an award for my significant contribution to the development of Ukrainian Guitar Art, coinciding with the celebration of the 15th anniversary of the Association of Guitarists within the National All-Ukrainian Music Union.

To be honest, we didn't think about the award. We worked because we wanted to make this world beautiful, and to give our students the knowledge and happiness they deserve.

To me, this signified that we were moving in the right direction, and it was a credit to our entire team.

Milestone #12

Navigating Challenges: My Online Teaching Journey

My first experience teaching online began with the onset of the first phase of the war in Ukraine, as some clients had to relocate to different countries at that time.

However, the real peak of this experience occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic. I always keep in mind the saying: 'When one door closes, others immediately open – the ones you didn't think about!'

Clients reached out, asking if I could work online. I hesitated because, for us, achieving results was the top priority. Once I grasped the nuances, I began teaching online. Over the next few years, I had the opportunity to teach students from countries such as the Netherlands, Poland, and Egypt.

Milestone #13

Sudden and Profound Changes: The Doors Closed

I would prefer not to write this and for it never to happen in my life. But it's a reality, and I want to be open with you. I woke up on February 24, 2022, with plans to go to our office. As I prepared for the day, I began with a moment of meditation. After that, I poured crystal-clear water into a glass and, looking out the window, embraced the day with positive thoughts.

But exactly at 6:00, I heard explosions. I opened Facebook and read from friends that the war had started. In a brief message to all our clients, I wrote: 'Hello everyone! We believe the situation is clear to all. There will be no classes today. Take care of yourselves and your families! With respect, your Guitar School.' Just a few hours later, we saw tank columns and streets preparing for street battles, and it became clear that a full-scale war had begun.

Unfortunately, after 13 years of a successful musical journey, the Guitar School closed its doors forever. For most Ukrainians, like us, a new reality began – a struggle for survival.

Milestone #14

New chapter of life

I don't know how, but thanks to the help of the kind people we met on our way, fate directed our family to Canada. It was like a leap into the unknown because we didn't know anyone in this country and knew nothing about it.

Local people quickly organized to help us and fellow Ukrainians feel at home. We are not typical immigrants who learned the language before coming to Canada. Everything in our life happened spontaneously and without preparation. For us, everything here was and remains new — first the language, then the mentality, culture, relationships between people, and more. However, we are working on ourselves, learning the language, exploring the new culture of relationships, traditions, and more.

I don't want to delve into complex matters, but I decided to create this website and, by writing these lines today, feel the strength in myself to continue my teaching journey. I may not know what tomorrow brings, but today, I'm happy to share my guitar-playing journey with anyone eager to learn. As long as my heart keeps beating, I'll keep teaching and soaking up all the new things fate throws my way.

I'd like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to all the wonderful individuals who have been part of my journey, including those I've met along the way and the incredible residents of Canada who have offered their support. Take good care of yourselves, treasure your parents, foster respect among one another, and let kindness be the light you spread. Life is the most precious gift in every person's journey.